Request An Offer

HomeRequest An Offer

Fill Out the Form to Request Your Mineral Appraisal

Fill out the below form to start your mineral appraisal process. Evalutions are typically take 5-7 business days -- sometimes sooner depending on your property location.
**Please know we will not add you to a bulk email list after filling out our form. We will only use the information you provide to have a better understanding of your property prior to contacting you via phone or email specifically for the purposes of discussing your property.**

Step 2: Based on our conversation and depending on your assets, we'll assess, value and make an offer for your minerals. (typically 5-7 business days)
Step 3: After you accept and sign your initial offer, we'll schedule a closing date and perform full due diligence and title work on your mineral assets. (typically 30-45 days)
Step 4: Upon successful title review, we'll close and pay you for your property via check or wire transfer.

Prefer The Phone?

We understand everyone communicates differenty. You can request an offer with this form or: